YOOM™, the star of the cooking classes at ABC Cooking Studio schools.

ABC Cooking Studio schools

Cash Crop in China is collaborating with the ABC Cooking Studio cooking school by hosting a special program of cooking classes for the holiday season.


From late November 2022 through January 2023, Syngenta Group's MAP (Modern Agriculture Platform) Cash Crop in China is collaborating with the ABC Cooking Studio cooking school by hosting a special program of cooking classes for the holiday season.

Recipes include MAP's YOOM™ cocktail tomatoes, as well as other unique vegetables and greens.

Students in the program at ABC's 19 schools across the country can scan MAP beSide's full-process quality control tracking QR codes to learn more about these products.

It's a unique opportunity to bring an exceptional product to future chefs to learn and explore new creative avenues in the kitchen and take "The Flavour Experience" to its fullest expression.


YOOM™, 成为ABC Cooking Studio 学校烹饪料理中的新星。

据悉,该套课程覆盖 ABC Cooking Studio 全国19个线下门店,菜谱以 MAP 经作的 YOOM 养慕鸡尾酒番茄以及具有独特风味的蔬菜,果疏为核心食材,可以精准覆盖都市高品质果蔬消费人群。参课学员在现场可以通过扫描产品上的 MAP beSide 全程品控溯源二维码,以时间、地理、品质三个维度,更全面了解美味果蔬生长的全过程与品质特点,并建立从田间到舌尖的信任。